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An optional URL query string formatted set of options for how to serialize ABI decoded data into JSON.


By default when no options are specified, the following set of options are used



The following mode options can be used for the overall structure of the JSON returned:

  • object (default) - the top-level JSON and all tuples fields (Solidity struct) will be JSON objects
    • The key will be the name as defined in the ABI
    • If no name is provided for a field in the ABI, then the numeric index 0,1,2 etc. will be used
  • array - the top-level JSON and all tuple fields will be JSON arrays
  • self-describing - each level is an array that contains the following fields
    • name - the name of the field from the ABI
    • type - the type of the field from the ABI, with a falst signature format for tuple children
    • value - the value of the field, which will be a self-describing sub-array in the case of tuple types


The following number options can be used for formatting of numbers - uint256, int64 etc types:

  • string (default) - a decimal (base-10) formatted string
  • hex orhex-0x - a hexidecimal (base-16) formatted string prefixed with 0x
  • number - a JSON number of arbitrary precision
    • Be careful if using this option that your JSON parsing library has been configured to support big integers
    • Ethereum token balances regularly use 18 decimals, meaning 100 would be {"value": 100000000000000000000}
    • Many default implementations of JSON parsing fail in obscure ways when parsing large numbers like this


The following bytes options can be used for formatting of byte types - bytes, bytes32.

  • hex orhex-0x (default) - a hexidecimal (base-16) formatted string prefixed with 0x
  • hex-plain - a hexidecimal (base-16) formatted string with no prefix
  • base64 - a base64 (standard encoding) formatted string


The following bytes options can be used for formatting address type fields.

  • hex orhex-0x (default) - a hexidecimal (base-16) formatted string prefixed with 0x
  • hex-plain - a hexidecimal (base-16) formatted string with no prefix
  • checksum - ERC-55 mixed-case checksum address encoding


Setting pretty, or pretty=true in the query string will cause pretty printing of the returned JSON over multiple lines.


Given this ABI we illustrate how different options will be formatted

        "name": "date",              // sample value:
        "type": "uint64"             //  1729450200
        "name": "stock",
        "type": "tuple[]",
        "components": [
                "name": "item",       // sample value: 
                "type": "bytes32"     //  0xbb36636e2b58f2ca2538a966b95a253ed78c6bd1d176255be5a58c7ced3c21ea
                "name": "description", // sample value:
                "type": "string"       //  "widgetA"
                "name": "count",       // sample value:
                "type": "uint256"      //  100
                "name": "valueDiff",   // large negative sample value:
                "type": "int256"       //  -123456789012345678901234567890
                "name": "supplier",    // sample address
                "type": "address"      //   0xb8f7764d413b518c49824fb5e6078b41b2549d4e

Default (mode=object&number=string&bytes=hex&address=hex)

    "date": "1729450200",
    "stock": [
            "count": "100",
            "description": "widgetA",
            "valueDiff": "-123456789012345678901234567890",
            "item": "0xbb36636e2b58f2ca2538a966b95a253ed78c6bd1d176255be5a58c7ced3c21ea",
            "supplier": "0xb8f7764d413b518c49824fb5e6078b41b2549d4e"


Note the numbers are all in hex, and the address is checksummed:

    "date": "0x671550d8",
    "stock": [
            "count": "0x64",
            "description": "widgetA",
            "valueDiff": "-0x18ee90ff6c373e0ee4e3f0ad2",
            "item": "bb36636e2b58f2ca2538a966b95a253ed78c6bd1d176255be5a58c7ced3c21ea",
            "supplier": "0xB8F7764d413B518c49824fb5E6078b41B2549d4e"


Note the numbers are plain JSON numbers including the one larger than a uint64 can hold, the bytes are Base64, but the address is still hex (with no prefix).

    "date": 1729450200,
    "stock": [
            "count": 100,
            "description": "widgetA",
            "valueDiff": -123456789012345678901234567890,
            "item": "uzZjbitY8solOKlmuVolPteMa9HRdiVb5aWMfO08Ieo=",
            "supplier": "b8f7764d413b518c49824fb5e6078b41b2549d4e"


We've switched here to array formatting, including for the nested object.

The order is very important now, as you must refer to the fields in ABI order to get the correct values.



This is the most complex format, where arrays are used that self-describe the data.

You still have formatting options on the leaf values, here using JSON numbers.

        "name": "date",
        "type": "uint64",
        "value": 1729450200
        "name": "stock",
        "type": "(bytes32,string,uint256,int256,address)[]",
        "value": [
                    "name": "item",
                    "type": "bytes32",
                    "value": "0xbb36636e2b58f2ca2538a966b95a253ed78c6bd1d176255be5a58c7ced3c21ea"
                    "name": "description",
                    "type": "string",
                    "value": "widgetA"
                    "name": "count",
                    "type": "uint256",
                    "value": 100
                    "name": "valueDiff",
                    "type": "int256",
                    "value": -123456789012345678901234567890
                    "name": "supplier",
                    "type": "address",
                    "value": "0xb8f7764d413b518c49824fb5e6078b41b2549d4e"

