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    "dataFormat": ""

Field Descriptions

Field Name Description Type
domain The domain that manages the privacy group string
group The privacy group ID HexBytes
from The local signing identity to use to submit the transaction string
to The private EVM smart contract address to invoke, or null for an EVM smart contract deployment EthAddress
gas Gas limit for the transaction (optional) HexUint64
value Native gas token value to transfer in the transaction, if supported by the EVM privacy group domain (optional) HexUint256
input An object or array of unencoded inputs, when an function ABI is supplied. Or a hex string containing pre-encoded function selector and ABI encoded inputs RawJSON
function The ABI fragment/entry for the function to call. Do not supply the whole ABI array, just one object for the function/constructor. Omit when pre-encoded hex input is provided Entry
bytecode For contract deployments to EVM privacy groups, the bytecode must be submitted separately to the constructor parameters (which are supplied as input) HexBytes
block The block number or 'latest' when calling a public smart contract (optional) HexUint64OrString
dataFormat How call data should be serialized into JSON once decoded using the ABI function definition JSONFormatOptions