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Field Descriptions

Field Name Description Type
id Server-generated UUID for this transaction (query only) UUID
created Server-generated creation timestamp for this transaction (query only) Timestamp
submitMode Whether the submission of the transaction to the base ledger is to be performed automatically by the node or coordinated externally (query only) "auto", "external", "call"
idempotencyKey Externally supplied unique identifier for this transaction. 409 Conflict will be returned on attempt to re-submit string
type Type of transaction (public or private) "private", "public"
domain Name of a domain - only required on input for private deploy transactions string
function Function signature - inferred from definition if not supplied string
abiReference Calculated ABI reference - required with ABI on input if not constructor Bytes32
from Locator for a local signing identity to use for submission of this transaction string
to Target contract address, or null for a deploy EthAddress
data Pre-encoded array with/without function selector, array, or object input RawJSON
gas The gas limit for the transaction (optional) HexUint64
value The value transferred in the transaction (optional) HexUint256
maxPriorityFeePerGas The maximum priority fee per gas (optional) HexUint256
maxFeePerGas The maximum fee per gas (optional) HexUint256
gasPrice The gas price (optional) HexUint256