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Public Smart Contract (SimpleStorage)

In the previous tutorial, we deployed and interacted with a HelloWorld contract that emitted an event. Now, we will go a step further and deploy a Storage contract that:

  1. Stores values on the blockchain
  2. Retrieves stored values on demand

This tutorial will guide you through deploying, storing, and retrieving data using the Paladin SDK


Before you begin, ensure that you:

  • Completed the HelloWorld Tutorial, where you learned:
  • How to deploy contracts using the Paladin SDK
  • How to send transactions and retrieve receipts
  • Have access to a Paladin network to deploy and interact with smart contracts


The Storage contract provides two primary functions:

  • store(uint256 num) – Stores a value in the contract
  • retrieve() – Retrieves the last stored value

Paladin API & Ethereum Similarities

Paladin’s API design follows Ethereum JSON-RPC patterns, making it familiar to developers who have used standard Ethereum APIs:
- Transactions (sendTransaction) → Similar to eth_sendTransaction, used for modifying on-chain state - Calls (call) → Similar to eth_call, used for reading blockchain state without modifying it

💡 Numbers in Paladin are passed as strings by default, consistent with JSON-RPC standards

Where to Find the Code?

🔹 Example implementation: Paladin example repository
🔹 Solidity contract: Storage.sol

Step 1: Deploy the Contract

The first step is to deploy the Storage contract to the blockchain

const deploymentTxID = await paladin.sendTransaction({
  type: TransactionType.PUBLIC,
  abi: storageJson.abi,
  bytecode: storageJson.bytecode,
  from: owner.lookup,
  data: {},

// Wait for deployment confirmation
const deploymentReceipt = await paladin.pollForReceipt(deploymentTxID, 10000);
if (!deploymentReceipt?.contractAddress) {
  logger.error("Deployment failed!");
  return false;
logger.log(`Step 1: Storage contract deployed successfully at address: ${deploymentReceipt.contractAddress}`);

What Happens Here?

  1. The sendTransaction function creates a contract deployment transaction (similar to eth_sendTransaction)
  2. The pollForReceipt function waits for confirmation that the contract has been deployed
  3. If successful, the contract address is returned in the receipt

Step 2: Store a Value

Now that the contract is deployed, you can store a value in it using the store function.

const valueToStore = 125; // Example value to store
logger.log(`Step 2: Storing value "${valueToStore}" in the contract...`);

const storeTxID = await paladin.sendTransaction({
  type: TransactionType.PUBLIC,
  abi: storageJson.abi,
  function: "store",
  from: owner.lookup,
  to: deploymentReceipt.contractAddress,
  data: { num: valueToStore },

// Wait for transaction confirmation
const storeReceipt = await paladin.pollForReceipt(storeTxID, 10000);
if (!storeReceipt?.transactionHash) {
  logger.error("Failed to store value in the contract!");
  return false;
logger.log(`Step 2: Value stored successfully in the contract.`);

What Happens Here?

  1. The sendTransaction function calls the store function with the value 125
  2. The pollForReceipt function waits for confirmation that the value has been stored

Step 3: Retrieve the Stored Value

Now, retrieve the stored value using the retrieve function

logger.log("Step 3: Retrieving the stored value...");

const retrieveResult = await{
  type: TransactionType.PUBLIC,
  abi: storageJson.abi,
  function: "retrieve",
  from: owner.lookup,
  to: deploymentReceipt.contractAddress,
  data: {},

const retrievedValue = retrieveResult["value"];
if (retrievedValue !== valueToStore.toString()) {
  logger.error(`Retrieved value "${retrievedValue}" does not match stored value "${valueToStore}"!`);
  return false;
logger.log(`Step 3: Value retrieved successfully: "${retrievedValue}"`);

What Happens Here?

  1. The call function reads the stored value from the contract (similar to eth_call)
  2. The retrieved value is compared to the original stored value to ensure correctness

💡 Transactions (sendTransaction) vs. Calls (call)
- sendTransaction: Writes data to the blockchain (requires a transaction) - call: Reads data from the blockchain (does not modify state)

💡 Why is the number returned as a string? Paladin follows JSON-RPC conventions, where numbers are typically passed as strings to avoid precision loss in JavaScript


🎉 Congratulations! You’ve successfully:

  1. Deployed the Storage contract
  2. Stored a value in the contract
  3. Retrieved the stored value and validated its correctness

You now understand how to deploy and interact with a smart contract using the Paladin SDK, including JSON-RPC number handling and Ethereum transaction conventions

Next Steps

Now that you've learned how to deploy a public storage contract, it's time to take things to the next level!

🔒 In the next tutorial, you’ll explore Storage with Privacy, where you will restrict access to stored values using privacy groups

Continue to the Private Smart Contract Tutorial →