Lab Name
Short Description
z-mix will offer a generic way to create Zero-Knowledge proofs, proving statements about multiple cryptographic building blocks, containing signatures, commitments, and verifiable encryption.
Scope of Lab
The goal of z-mix is to become a part of Hyperledger crypto-lib, and eventually be adopted by Hyperledger projects. Multiple existing Hyperledger projects require Zero-Knowledge proofs, e.g., Fabric and Indy. The goal of this library is to provide a single flexible and secure implementation to construct such proofs.
Initial Committers
Manu Drijvers (manudrijvers)
Jan Camenisch (jancamenisch)
Nathan George (nage)
Daniel Hardman (dhh1128)
Angelo De Caro (adecaro)
Maria Dubovitskaya (dubovitskaya)
Jason Law (jasonalaw)
Nathan George
Hart Montgomery
Pre-existing repository