Lab Name

One Attestation API

Short Description

This lab proposes to create a single API to handle remote attestations. Attestations are a crucial mechanism to establish trust in hardware-based trusted execution environments (TEEs). Today, multiple attestation mechanisms are available, like SGX-EPID (which is being phased out), SGX-DCAP, TDX-DCAP and SEV-attestation. This proposal aims to create a single abstraction for the generation and verification of hardware-based attestations. The abstraction can benefit, and avoid redundant implementations in, multiple projects (e.g., Fabric Private Chaincode, Private Data Objects) that use TEEs to enhance software integrity and confidentiality.

Scope of Lab

The scope of the lab is to provide tools and support for hardware/software attestations. Contributions from the community will help support additional attestation mechanisms and TEEs. Initially, we anticipate to integrate this tool with: Fabric Private Chaincode and Private Data Objects.

Initial Committers



  • - Marcus Brandenburger ( - LFDT TAC Member

Pre-existing repository

Initially, this lab is meant to spin off the attestation API created in/for the Fabric Private Chaincode project.

Recently, the library was extended with DCAP support and partially integrated with the Hyperledger Labs Private Data Objects project.