Lab Name

Enter the name of your lab here. NOTE: When picking a name for your lab, note that a lab CANNOT be named the same as a product, network or any other existing entity. Open source code should have a distinct identity from any instance of that code being used as a product or service. If you do name your lab after a product or service note that you will need to change it later. Change line 3 of this file to reflect the short name of your project. Change line 4 to read: “parent: LFDT Labs” Change line 5 to read: “grand_parent: Active Labs”

Short Description

Provide a short description of your lab. This will be used for the Github repository’s description.

Scope of Lab

Enter the scope of the lab. This should include enough information to allow the Lab stewards to understand how it fits within LF Decentralized Trust’s mission.

Initial Committers

Enter the Github IDs for the set of initial committers.



Provide the name of your sponsor. A sponsor is optional, but the sponsor must be a maintainer of one of the LF Decentralized Trust projects, a TAC member, or a SIG chair. Read about sponsors’ duty in Section 3, Labs proposal.

  • or Name ( - Role (e.g., "Chair of the XXX workgroup")

Pre-existing repository

If you currently have a Github repository that you wish to transfer to the LF Decentralized Trust Labs organization, please provide a link here. NOTE: Please refer to the README for additional information on existing repositories.
